Evidentirajte prihode, odhode, odmore, odsotnosti in pripravite podatke za plače.
Rešitev za enostransko omogočanje in omejevanje dostopa.
Najdite vse rešitve za celovito upravljanje in digitalizacijo oskrbovalne verige.
Oglejte si široko ponudbo tiskalnikov, čitalcev, RFID kartic in potrošnega materiala priznanih svetovnih proizvajalcev.
You can save time and money! Wondering how? The answer is easy - with the state-of-the art cost effective UHF long range vehicle identification. It enables reliable vehicle identification and streamlines access to car parks and more. And, when used with adequate tags and Špica's Access Control solutions, it ensures that only authorized vehicles and drivers can enter and exit. Wonder how to start? Join us on the webinar and embrace this new technology.
This webinar is designed for professionals who are keen to stay ahead in the realm of security and fleet management.
Whether you are responsible for vehicle access control, fleet management, or security, this session will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance your system’s efficiency and reliability.
V obrazec vpišite vaše kontaktne podatke in v polju »Sporočilo« natančno navedite vaše vprašanje. V kratkem vam bomo odgovorili.